pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


People do the sucking.

Zoned out.

I forgot to tell about Matt's car getting broken into. I've told everyone I know, but suffice it to say, I forgot to put it here.

It happened at 9 am this morning in the alleyway where he works.

He may have the license plate of the guy who did it. I should rephrase that. He DEFINITELY has the license plate of a guy who was quite suspicious in so many ways.

His wallet was a casualty of this crime, as was his passenger-side window. He had his social security card in there, too. Hope to God that the jerk that busted out a window for $10 and a pretty new wallet isn't smart enough to be an identity thief.

If it's the guy he suspects, he would never be that bright.

I guess when Matt was pulling into work this morning, he noticed a strange vehicle that he had never seen before. He knows everyone that usually parks in the alley, as there are just a couple of other businesses down that way.

He's pretty observant. Enough to think to himself that something was out of place BEFORE the actual event in question.

Anyway, he remembered that he'd left his wallet in his car, and wanted money for the vending machine, so he went out to get it. That's when he noticed smashed glass all over the front seats.

At the exact same second, he hears what is discovered to be the strange car just starting up and about to drive away. He runs after the guy and shouts to get his attention.

He asked him if he saw anyone near the car because the window was busted. This is WHY I don't think the guy's a genius. He said "Maybe something FELL on it." Like what, Einstein? An invisible CINDERBLOCK? I think in order to break a CAR window SO significantly, you would have to come at it from the side.

But regardless, as the guy drove off, Matt made a mental note of the particulars: make & model, license plate # and a description of said fella.

He had to work all day and couldn't call the police until after 1 am. After he filed his report, he was trying to vacuum out the glass and suddenly got angry about not feeling safe in a place he's never once blinked an eye about before. I can't say that I blame him.

Back in 1991 I was robbed while working alone. I was very lucky that the guy that did it was just about as scared as I was. He tied me to the shelving units in the store-room and started to fondle my breast. I just glared and him and shouted that he better not DARE touch me or else... or else what? I didn't know but I was not about to be a victim of two crimes in one night.

But after the whole thing was over, I felt like I had been robbed of not just the store's money but of my trust and my innocence. I know that might sound weird. Innocence is for virgins, right? But in some sense, until that moment when you are utterly in danger at the hand of someone driven by a lust for something that they don't have the right to... you are innocent. You cannot know what it is like if it's not happened to you. Time stretches, everything is all too clear. Clear like lit by fluorescence.

Well, Matt just got home.

Hugs and love are in order!


2:25 a.m. - July 14, '02


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