pandalicious's Diaryland Diary



Icky and I need to rule the world.

We'd make the bestest rulers. Really.

In our world, you might enjoy the following beautiful truths::

1) Shower curtains AS the prizes in Kids Meals. Everywhere you go, and especially when the theme that they are going with is cool, like right now McD's has Hello Kitty and DQ has Curious George. But yeah, you'd get swank stuff as your prizes... SHOWER CURTAINS, maybe grown-up sized tee-shirts, just NICE stuff and with us, the only real requirements are that they are the kind of items that are entirely too large to actually fit in any kind of Happy Meal device such as a box or a happy bag. Ridiculously huge items that you'd never throw away because they were too frickin outlandishly RAWK.

2) When driving through mountainous regions, you might be encountered with the absolute beauty of 100 foot tall soft serve ice-cream cones that never melt, but are there JUST to make you smile and wonder how such beauty exists but you will feel blessed and lucky to have seen such a thing, even if it's not explainable.

3) The Wide Eyed Wonders of the world would win every game of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and that Millionaire show if they played it. They would win but not get cocky about it. They would win and beam and do something nice for someone and their life won't revolve around the fact that they won on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune or that Millionaire show (if they played it) but it will be a funny anecdote that they will share with you once you get to know them.

4) Every house that you find instantly amazing, if it is the house that you are meant to be in would see an immediate price reduction to $59,000 because that is pretty much affordable for anyone but you still have to pay for it so you appreciate it every single day.

5) Thrift store prices everywhere, but only for the naturally and truly sincere people who aren't buying stuff to resell, but they just want it for themselves!

6) Any boy or girl who was sad and confused enough in their life to get a kick out of throwing beer on the most amazing white sea-bird that lands in front of you bringing a secret message of hope, well those boys and girls would be sent to Survivor island where they would run out of beer and be mean to each other instead of AWS-BsTLIFOYBASMOH. But they wouldn't win any money. And they wouldn't be on tv either. But then we could have it so that they THINK they are going to win money and Gervase could be there lazing around and it could look like he was going to win, because it'd be rigged and it would frustrate all the beer throwers. YAY!

These are just a few of the things that might happen if Icky and I were in charge of the world.

Vote for the Pop-alicious Party this November!

04:17:17 - August 9th, 2K :: 12:14 am (that's midnightish!)


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