pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Wanna Cook Me?

It's funny.

I'm TRYING very hard to be patient.

Mike is TRYING my patience.

So. Whatever tiny iota of patience I can muster, he attacks it from all angles. If patience was sugar to your teeth while you sleep, Mike would surely be the secret cavity fighting agent. If Mike was able to use his powers in such ways, he could make a killing in the toothpaste, dental field.

But he's just a guy.

A guy that doesn't pay rent anymore, that doesn't clean up after himself, that thinks I don't notice. He's just a guy that I am growing to dislike as a person because I generally dislike people who act as if I'm stupid, as if I don't see what he's up to.

Back a couple of weeks ago, when he was tearfully promising his devout cleanliness and overall good as an extended stay guest (since he was no longer an official roomie) I wondered if I could take him at his word. Silly me. I wanted to believe that by being cool to him and giving him a break financially that he'd pay me back with the decency of saving that money towards his inevitable move.

So the deal was this :: he could stop paying me his share of rent and utilities because he was *trying* so hard to save up. Not only for a place of his own, but also a mode of transportation. All I asked was that he reimburse me for what groceries and shared items I'd already footed the bill for.

A few times I'd asked him if he could write me a check. He gritted his teeth and put on his puppy dog eyes and said, "I really can't right now." Oh, please keep in mind that the FIRST time I asked him this was while we were standing in the sporting goods department at KMart. WHILE he contemplated his choice of putters. We were going to play putt-putt. He thought if he had his OWN putter, he would take up golf, or become a touring putt putt champion. I expressed my utmost disbelief that he could afford a $17 putter (that he did not need) yet he could not reimburse me for food already consumed... for gas already spent. So he got pouty. Uh huh. Oh no, it didn't keep him from buying the putter. But he felt like I was riding his back about it all. He took an interest in putting a golf ball into a dixie cup for a grand total of 48 hours; probably less than 2 of those were actually used to strike the little colored balls about. And at least 1.5 of those were at the putt putt place, where they offer free use of their putters.

This past week and a half, I have seen him write checks for mad amounts. He bought a $60 electric razor, cases and cases of beer, lots of Hot Wheels, books, guitar strings... he'd write checks at the grocery store for $50 more than his total so he could go buy random things. Beer. Barhopping last Friday. Living the high life by all accounts.

In fact, last Friday we got into it over groceries.

He kept piling item after item into my cart. Things he KNEW I would not touch with a ten foot pole. He was going to do the check writing thing, so I said since he's gonna write a check anyway, he's buying his own groceries. His opinion was that we shouldn't change up the old plan without talking about it first. The old plan was that he'd write me a check for 1/2 of the amount. FUCK THAT. He used to do that to get me to buy beer and alchohol, 95% of which he would drink, depending on what it was, 80% of the 95% would be gone later that evening.

Anyway, after about 45 minutes of an argument in the frozen food section, we left. He bought his own stuff. Yay me.


YESTERDAY... I went home for lunch. Mike was off, so he'd offered to make something good to eat. It took forever to get done, so I was already running late. He said he wanted me to drop him off at Starbucks. I told him to HURRY. We get about 3 blocks away from the apartment and he realizes that he's missing his checkbook and his wallet. He HAS to have them. I said, oh it's okay, I have some money you can borrow. He asked if I had $100. I said NO. Maybe $10. Oh oh oh, I need my checkbook, waaaaaaaaaah. So he wanted to get out and go get it. Uh uh. Nope. He's NOT getting my key. We changed the lock on purpose. NOT GETTING THE KEY. Because I KNOW how calculating he is, I do believe that he purposely did this. He thought in a crunch, being late, I would toss him the key and be on my merry way. HELL NO. So he launches into the Trust Campaign, yet again.

Blah blah blah, heard it all before. You're NOT getting the key.

Oh, but WHY DO YOU NEED $100???? For COFFEE????? OH help me understand, asshole. I gave him a $20. He still complained. He proceeded with the Trust Campaign, trying to guilt trip me into getting the key. We were at Starbucks. I said, LOOK. We're already at Starbucks. If you happen to see something that you want that is above and beyond $20 we can come back later. He huffed and puffed, put my $20 back in my purse and got out. "Have a nice day." Yeah. I will. Asshole.

I get home from work. Not 2 minutes after, he shows up. He's now gotten it in his head that he wants to go to 'the mall.' I said which mall? There's a couple close by. Oh, (the one that's 45 minutes away). I hate that one. Why do you want to go there. How bout (the one that's 15 minutes away)? Oh but they don't have a Hot Topic.

WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY YOU WANTED TO GO TO HOT TOPIC??? The direct approach works well with me.

Hot Topic is not cheap. I like it, but I hardly ever buy anything there, cuz it's overpriced and nothing I really need.

So in my little panda head, I'm thinkin' that he's about to drop another $100 or so, while I'm scraping by, and since I see all of his big spending, yeah, I'm vocal about it.

I decided that I did want to go to Hot Topic. But before we left we had a biiiiiig loooooooong talk about how I could use money since he's got so much to burn. Oh and he said that it would take him 2 pay periods before he could afford to move out. I called him on it. If he wouldn't go out and buy a bunch of junk that he didn't need, he'd have a lot more money saved up. GRRRRRR....

Anyway, we went to the mall. He didn't buy anything. I wanted to go to WalMart to look for a present for somebody. We each went our separate ways. When I next saw him, he had a cart full of HOTWHEELS. I mean FULL. Like you might suspect he was a stock boy FULL. UNBELIEVABLE!

I was sure to get behind him in the check out. I wanted to know how much his total was going to be. $125.77.


Now, is it my imagination or would that not be a big slap in the face??? I mean COME ON.


It was all I could do to hold my tongue til we got to the parking lot.

I said, time for a new deadline. You can't stay with me much longer.


I will NEVER understand him.

I do understand that I am growing to hate him. I don't think he'll want that. I'm the only person that would be there in a pinch. Why does he work so hard at destroying that?

We got into a fight again this morning. The house is a mess. He said I should clean it up. OH. I hate him.

13:23:09 - August 10th, 2K :: 9:51am


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