pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Kat Skratch

It's just barely the 30th.

Mikee is asleep. It seems like we get in at least one fight every day. David Sedaris asked us if we'd had our first fight yet. We both said, "what? today?" And that's about the size of it.

Today's only argument was this :: My parents are going out of town for a week. Well, their house is for sale, right? So my mom is worried about leaving her kitties alone for a week with people coming and going from the house all the time with realtors and whatever. That's understandable. She wanted me to come over every couple of days to check on them and clean out the litterbox, replenish their water supply, etc... Today I was hanging out over at the 'rents for lunch and my mom mentioned something about her feeling better if the kitties could stay with me all week. I have no problem at all with it. I would probably forget to get over there every 2 days, plus Mike will be at work a lot this holiday weekend and the cats will make decent company. At least Boots will. Leelee will probably hide-out.

But yeah. So 2 minutes after I picked Mike up from work, I told him that we were kittysitting. He doesn't want it to happen. So of course the inevitable argument ensues that he should have 1/2 of the say in it. But he DOESN'T! He doesn't pay 1/2 of the rent. He only pays 1/3 because he doesn't make as much money as me.

He hates when I "pull rank" on him, so he got quiet and didn't talk to me for awhile. Later on, we talked but about everything BUT the topic, even though I wanted to. He needs time to think about it. In fact, he's STILL thinking about it... or he was, til he fell asleep.

I'm not mad. It's like this :: My mom and dad do SO much for me, for both of us... they've been a huge help and very generous and giving. There is no way I am going to say no about the kitties being here. That's just the way it is. I am allergic to cats, but I'm used to them. Plus, it won't be any hassle at all. I know it will set my mom's mind at ease, because the kitties are her new babies.

So I'm not mad at Mike. I think now my view about our arguments is that I state my case in a non-angry way. It's just matter of fact, that is HOW I feel.

Whatever the case may be, the kitties are coming and if Mike doesn't like it, he can stay elsewhere for the week. I think he'll deal. O=)

woop - six 30


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