pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Catching Up but not with Depeche Mode

Sad news for a dear friend. Brannon (of Minamina)'s Mommie passed away on Mother's Day. Please keep him in your thoughts.

In my life, I guess I should be grateful that I'm just getting papercuts on every finger and mysterious printer-related gashes here and there. I don't know how they happened, but they are deep, these 2. But yes, my problems are minimal comparatively speaking.

Friday, I got hit on and headbutted. (Two different people.) I went with Brian and the rest of the Olympia Kings went to the E.A.R.L. to experience the one and only Wesley Willis. It was QUITE a time, I tell you now. I have never been to such a crazy, hedonistic show and I've been to a good number of concerts in my time, sonny!

So yeah, it was ubercrazified. This punkrawk girl was dancing her ass off and I actually could tell it was just a matter of time before she stripped her somewhat skankified thrift store tee from her bra-less torso. And there it was. Or, rather, there THEY were. To predicate her now topless state, she bound to the stage, just to the left of good Wesley. Naturally, her breasts were met with a healthy dose of enthusiasm, followed by no less than 5 fellow de-shirters, all boys who simply hoped to inspire more shirtless antics in the female factions of the crowd, which I should mention was to NO AVAIL.

That however, did not stop the fervent desire to convince the girls to reveal their fleshy orbs. Three asses and two penises were on temporary display in the gallery, all in vain. All in vain. Brian got it all on video, too, for all eternity.

I should also mention that Ashton was one of the shirtless frolickers. Ashton from previous entries. My first ever boyfriend. He's the one that hit on me. He just refuses to get it. I'm not interested now and I haven't been interested in 9 years or more. Almost as soon as I saw him, he asked where my boyfriend was. I told him New Jersey. He then put his arm around me and got entirely too close for comfort and told me that I sure did look pretty, to which I said "I KNOW."

Ashton is not doing so hot if you ask me. He was married to a girl named Shelly who always hated me for no GOOD reason, though Ashton would call her Kellee (me) sometimes and that wasn't planned OR well received. He said that she's jealous because he will sometimes say how good we had it. (in 1989-1991) To make a long story short: They didn't get along at all; he tried to get me to go to a HOTEL with him on VALENTINE'S DAY *WHILE* they were still married (of COURSE I SAID HELL NO); eventually they ended up divorced. Now, for whatever reason, they are living together again. And, she still hates me.

He called me Saturday to see if I had fun on Friday. I told him as off as I am able to tell anyone, not just about this Friday, because that was minimal compared to what he pulled at my Halloween party... but I don't think he totally understands still. He's just really disrespectful of my wishes: to not be touched, hit on or kissed. He pushes his luck because he imagines that I'm the same girl from 10 years ago.


Anyway, he seems to be drunk all the time (well, to be fair, I've only hung out with him a couple of times in the past year, but he was hittin' it full throttle) and Friday was no exception. He was so drunk by the time he got to the show that he didn't realize he'd locked his keys in his truck. After the show when he'd discovered it, he busted out his own window to get the keys and then drove home DRUNK and with a busted out window. He was also trying to start fights, which seems so unlike the old Ash.

I dunno, it's a bit disturbing. But I personally am not interesting in being friends with him if he is going to continue to take me for granted and make me feel uneasy around him.

Anyway, after the W2 show, we got to interview Wesley for the Olympia Kings show and he headbutted me and signed his milk carton for me. It's all on tape.

I'm going home now.

Pray for Branny.


4:43 p.m. - May 15th, 2001 :: 4:46pm


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