pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Baked Beans are Strange to Dream


My toenails are entirely too long. Aren't you glad to hear it? It's the biggest stress in my life now. Hahah.

It's weird to me now, how I was so miserable just a couple of weeks ago... it's almost all in the fading sunset now.

He does still call me to talk about his newfound popularity in Buckhead; how he knows all of the bouncers and bartenders and gets in free everywhere he goes...

I don't mind him calling me, I don't really give a flying *you know* about what he's got to say, because I honestly don't believe him. But at least he's not here.

It is weird, going through a break-up/roommate removal situation. It's an all new kind of adjusting.

Like tonight it's threatening to storm. I really hope it doesn't because I'm just not ready for the lights to go out here yet. You know? Besides, no flashlight. I gotta get one of those. But you only really think of it WHEN you need it, don't you?

Oh well. Tonight I was supposed to go out with the girl across the hall. Her boyfriend is out of town and she's kinda at a loss for things to do, not to mention without wheels... So we were set to go out and then Dave, her b/f called and got freaky jealous thinking of her going to see a band without him so he whined until she conceded. He's 39, she's 24. I think he's a control freak. But she's in love, she says.

So I didn't go anywhere. I stayed here and did some stuff on Excel and listened to mp3s. I put my head down for a little bit and ended up falling asleep on my desk like a big dorkus! So I went to bed and had the WEIRDEST dreams!!! I wouldn't have remembered them, but Steven called and woke me up!

Check this out :: One part of the dream was me getting a baked bean concoction out of a blender for this lady that sits in the cube next to me at work, but we were not at work. We were in a dark kitchen with what I presumed to be her family. Anyway, this man that was also in the kitchen was scraping some other baked bean (?!) concotion into the sink and it was then that I noticed his HAND. It was packed full of hair! I mean it was more like a dog paw in hand formation because the hair was so thick you couldn't see his skin at all!!!!!!!!!!! It was freaky. Then he was talking about his son, who I must have dated. I remembered thinking to myself that I never knew I dated someone that was related to such a strange handed man!! hehe....

It was kooky for sure. =)

Oh well, I'm gonna go for now!


05:27:13 - September 21st, 2K :: 1:26am


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