pandalicious's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three interrupts Yeah. So - my hair is being re-henna-ed and it is again reaffirmed that I do have the best ever boyfriend. He took time away from his ProTools music making to make sure that my hair was fully coated to the extreme. He hates the smell and the texture of henna, but he did it anyway. So this time, I'm opting for DARK BROWN. Well, EARTH BROWN but it looks black right about now. Hopefully it will hide the fuschia of last week. I am supposed to have another interview at the farm house... but I haven't heard anything. I tried to hide the fuschia with a twisted up hairdo, but sitting in the sun... yie yie yie! Oh, also, her three year old was there interrupting again, throughout the entire interview. And this last time she was asking all of the standard job interview questions, where you have to carefully word what you say to sound like you are the perfect fit for the job. This is a glimpse of that interview: Her: What, to you, is the definition of success? Me: Well, I think that success is... 3 stomping over with a jug of water: MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I want to pour everyone some water! Her: Okay, honey, you need Mommy to show you where the cups are??? They're right in there, baby - oh, you found them. 3 comes out with 6 paper cups and sets them on the big, expensive Pottery Barn trunk which serves as the coffee table. He proceeds to slosh water into 4 of the cups and some on the table. Her: Baby! You've got to clean that up!!! 3 shaking his head: NOOOOOO! Her: Drew! Don't tell me no! Go get the paper towels! NOW!! 3 goes to retrieve the paper towels. Mommy looks at me, smiling, there is a brief silence... I try to remember where I left off. (UGH!) Me: I think that success is... Her: Okay BABY! You missed a spot. Over there, other side. Now go throw them away. Me: ... when you are able to DO everything you wanted to do and you're SUCCESSFUL at it. Her: Yeah. (Strange look.) Me (realizing what an ass I just sounded like): I mean OBVIOUSLY success is when you are successful. I *meant* that IF you are met with challenges, you find a way to overcome them with grace. Her: OH YEAH! I know exactly what you mean! It's so important to meet your challenges head on. 3: Mommy, you're not drinking your water! I want to give her more water. ------ This was how it was during BOTH of my interviews. The first one, however, Drew wanted to show me his mom's panties. She ended up pantsing him. Do I really want this job? Heh. I *think*???? Oh, I had a totally different interview, too. The other place is 22 miles away and in horrible and heavy traffic, so my nerves would be all frazzled. I'm not sure what I want. I do need a jobby job and all, I just don't know if either of them are right for me. Hmmmmmm... We shall see... ... 10:18 p.m. - August 05, '02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |