pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Redesigning my life

Hey guys! I hope you like the new look. I have also added a dream journal, but so far it's pretty empty. You can get to it by clicking the second blue panda above. See, I made it nice and easy for everyone.

So last night was weird. I took Mike to this hotel where 2 girls were staying. One of them was some girl that wrote him a personals reply, and I know this, but he doesn't KNOW I know this. Before you say I must be snoopy, keep in mind that this is MY computer and anything that goes on within it *is* automatically my business! SO THERE!

Anyway, she's a rockabilly girl. So of course, true to his game, Mike dresses up in his rockabilly fashion to impress her. I've seen him do stuff like this before. Like this other time, in fact the ONLY time I went anywhere without him being invited, he jumped on Yahoo chat and invited some stupid fucking 17 year old BITCH to MY APARTMENT. She was a ska girl, so in the dead of summer, I come home to find Mike's SKA jacket oh so casually draped over the computer chair so that she would have to see it. He dug out his ska t-shirt and acted more SKA than usual! It just irritates me that he is putting on airs with girls that he says he has no interest in impressing.

But now we aren't an item, so what can I say? I can't really be mad, because first of all, I don't want him for anything substansial... I mean we've already figured out that we can't make it a week without stepping on each other's toes... so I surely wouldn't involve myself willingly. So why do I get a slight tinge of the green eyed monster? I think it's just because I want to think that no one else but me will do! haha. Now, if he wasn't here, big deal. But since he's still temporarily living here, I don't want to have that in my face all the time, not to even mention that when someone else is around to stroke his ego, he's a bigger dickhead than I want to be around, honestly. So I'd prefer that he not find anyone to take an interest in until he leaves.

I'm so complex, huh????!!!!????

Actually, I think I'm completely normal in regards to my emotions regarding this situation. For once.

I do kind of surprise myself though. I mean I don't want to talk bad about Mike, really. I want to be completely ambivalent about it. I don't want to come across as a victim. I don't feel victimized. Stupid, at times, sure, but that's all me! hehe.

So I had the place to myself last night. I spent some quality time with the west coast. =)

Mikee called at 10:16 this morning. He had his first hangover. Haven't heard from him since. He wanted me to call his work for him. I told him to. He sounded like hell. I asked him if he drank too much. (DUH) but he said "YEAH. AND GUESS WHAT? That's ALL I did." I think that has something to do with him NOT having sex with the new girl. I hope so. But I wonder if it was because he didn't want to, or because she wouldn't let him. Maybe I will have more details later.

I'm so damned nosy! haha


18:51:13 - eight oh fiver


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