pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Expanding Horizons

Things that are true:

1) I got a SpongeBob mousepad today.

2) I am going to Wurshington DC tomorrow to hang out with my parents!

3) I got some GOOD jeanish capris at KMART of all places.

4) Our new kitty isn't ours anymore. She lives downstairs. More on this later.

5) Matt can breathe at night again.

6) Someone we know is very desperate to pose nude for this website. I'm skerred.

7) I want an ICEE blue stylee.


Nico lives with Jen & Bill now. This makes me sad a tiny bit. We had to do it. Matt was about to die from asthma and allergies with 2 whole kitties here. Matt can't die! We're supposed to get married one day and have kids and invent things and go to DC tomorrow! So yeah, Jen came upstairs one night telling us how she really wanted to get a kitty now, an older one. Well have we got the one for you, Matt said. And we did. It only took a little convincing on the Jen to Bill side of things and now Nico has a new name and a new home but so close that it's almost silly for me to miss her this much. Really. It's like this little pit of sorry in my belly. Sorry I don't get to see her, to trip over her flopped down furry self, to hear her plaintif meowl... to tease her with food and lights. *Sigh* I do miss that little rascal. She was mine all mine. But we are the Official Cat Sitters and surrogate parents. Plus I can go down 13 steps and see her right now if I want to. Right?

Matt can breathe. Yay.

Also noted: This girl that sings in one of Matt's bands is hungry for her own nudity. She longs to see her nakedness, she longs to know that horny but potentially alternative boys will be seeing her, too. She wants to borrow my digital camera for this explicit purpose. And I don't want to give it up.

My struggle with this, and it is justifiable, I think... is that just KNOWING that she will be splayed out for anyone to see can be tempting. I mean here's a scenario that really happened: my cousin's dad and his new wife are straight up swingers. They belong to this club that's ONLINE and regularly take pictures of this event. I'm not attracted to either of these 50 somethings in the LEAST. But KNOWING that there's these pictures - I wanna SEE! I think it's human nature, to have this curiosity. It's like witnessing a freak accident. You can recognize the faces but there is something foreign about it. Usually you place them in your mind along with 'well-dressed' or 'slightly frumpy' or 'dress buster'... not in a sexual manner, or just plain NEKKID.

I just think I'd be weirded out if we saw her naked and Matt has band practice with her. She's already told him that he's her favoritest boy in the whole world. She's got a boyfriend. He's not her favoritest. She just wants to 'do him.'

No naked singers.


11:47 p.m. - April 11, '02


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