pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Living la Vida Hobo

Wow, I'm like Update Girl lately.

I guess changes usually serve as inspiration. Bad TV does this, too.

I am not in love with TV. I usually just have it on in the background. I can't even see it from here. I do admit my obsession with dating shows. I don't know how else to say this - but I'm a voyeuristic little animal. I like seeing people in unfamiliar situations. I'm big on the psychology of interaction, even though I just dwell in theory. Most of the time I don't even talk about my theories. I've just always catalogued other people's realities, the way I perceive them. I know that's not always right to do, but I only do it with people I will never talk to (ie TV people or random strangers at the mall or on the bus)... It's the active imagination curse or blessing. Either way, I love to see those dating shows.

I never thought of this before, but she's right, you know. There's not much else to say about it.

Living your life... sometimes it can be so hard to do. It shouldn't be. It really shouldn't. But there are things you need (like health benefits, insurance, blah blah blah) and to get these things you've got to work. Most of us don't do what we love. What we love doesn't feel like work.

I guess there is a certain danger in a world where you are able to get paid just by doing what you love. It would work out well for maybe 46% of the people. Those 46% (my estimate & maybe it's too high) would actually go out and earnestly turn what they love into a viable career. I am afraid that the other 54% of us would say HEY, I like playing Playstation, and I'm right good at it. Or, hmm, I'm REALLY good at smoking all this herb or having all this sex. There's only so many video game testers and prostitutes that the world needs. That quota would get filled up pretty fast.

Maybe I'm just a hater. Maybe I watch too much TV.

I don't know. If I could do whatever I wanted for a career I would be able to author really cool, useful books. I would combine my design skills and my good ideas to make things that make people feel good, together and unique. I would do projects for schools that they could use as fundraisers.

I would own a cool store where you could buy vintage clothing and toys and get your hair done all vintage style or punk style all in the same place.

I would design Hello Kitty types of products with my own characters and donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity or two.

Matt would build his own recording/rehearsal space. He would be finding and then engineering interesting new music.

Oh - I almost forgot. The day I got my notice, Matt got offered a job. It's only VAGUELY in his field. It would be at a live sound gear place, but he'd be running the inventory control desk. Not recording, not engineering, not having his hands in projects at the studio. That'd mean no more gigs like last Friday - Elvis Costello & the Goo Goo Dolls all in one day. He'd be out of the loop. But he'd have those benefits that are all so important.

But he's not taking it. And I think that it's honestly the best thing. He talked to his people at the studio and negotiated a healthy raise for himself, with the promise of getting added to the benefits program in 2 months.

AND they are SUPPOSEDLY going to actually pay him OVERTIME from now on. I will believe THAT when I see it. He should have demanded it before. I love him, but he will let them sock it to him sometimes without blinking. Some weeks he'd work literally 13 hour days, 5 in a row. No OT. Sucker! Sucker! It's really against the law for them to *not* pay it, but what's done is done, he says... he's not gonna ask for it now.

But he will be okay. Matt is one of those guys that WILL do what he wants. He will achieve his dreams... he's a very driven fella.

4:22 p.m. - April 25, '02


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