pandalicious's Diaryland Diary



Wow Wow Wow.

What a GREAT night last night turned out to be!!!

EMO PHILIPS is even BETTER than I could imagine! I LOVE him. What a lovely person he is!

To recap, Thursday night, after his show, Mike caught him long enough to ask him if we could maybe interview him sometime this weekend. Emo told Mike that if we came to the show on Sunday, he would talk with us for about 10 minutes afterwards.

It was hard to come up with questions to ask him, because he's not very much in the public eye these days, but having been a long time fan of his, I was able to come up with some decent stuff. I let Mike conduct the interview, but I was right there, piping in when I felt like it! I have to admit, the whole formal "interview" setting was kind of unusual for me, but that's because I've never had to do one before.

He signed a Knack album for M. saying "To Mike, my only living friend." (The Knack tie-in, Emo's intro music is My Sherona...) I had him sign my library card, because he has some joke about library cards. I don't know if he knew WHY I wanted him to sign it, but THERE IT IS!!! God! Right next to *my* signature!!! I'm so proud! I will NEVER lose that library card again!!!

He posed for some pix with us, too. I got lots of Emo hugs and even an Emo kiss!! I'm *SO* lucky!!! awwwww!!!

But you know, the one thing that really impressed me about him was his genuine niceness. I can't put this into words the way I had hoped, but I will try...

Mike told this little bartender guy that Emo was going to do an interview with us, so LBG grabbed Emo and confirmed that it was true. Well, Emo told us to meet him upstairs. So little bartender guy guides us around the corners and leads us to the stairs, being so nice, telling us to read all the graffiti on the walls and everything. Well, we get upstairs and the club owner was PISSED OFF because apparently no one informed him that we were supposed to be there. Eeeee. We explained that we had an interview and the guy was all "does HE know that?" and we were like YAH! and then he made us go back downstairs, where he immediately ripped into the nice lil bartender and made him fear for his job security. Emo caught wind of all of this and jumped in and told Terry, the owner, that it was his fault, that he told the guy to let us upstairs and he didn't know it had to be cleared with him and that he was sorry. He took total responsibility for it. Terry was PISSSSSSSED OFF!!! Still.

Right before the interview started, little guy came in and told Emo "Dude, I got in SO much trouble over that." and then he left. He was stressin'. Emo ran after him saying that he already told Terry that it was all him and that the guy wouldn't be in trouble, etc. It really impressed me that he was so concerned about this guy being okay again that he ran after him to let him know all that.

What a classy guy!

He kept telling us how we were so sweet to want to interview him and take pix with him. I totally love Emo. I always have. He's just a wacky guy. But now I know he's also a GREAT person. It always makes me happy to find out that people I admire are actually very sweet, very cool individuals. It's refreshing.


Emo is the new RULER of EVERYTHING!!

10:23 - six 2 six


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