pandalicious's Diaryland Diary


Face It - Matt needs \"all new underwear\"

I changed my template. I was feeling all weird about the other. This one is better because it doesn't make the annoying stripes have to load. It's almost the same as the other but now you can put a face or two to the names you see and isn't that what life is all about? Or the internet? Now, just don't stalk us!

I am hawngry. I still haven't found a job. I'm not superhuman, duh. I have put out resumes and some of them with *stunning* cover letters, I must say. I would totally hire me. I might even frame the cover letter I sent me.

So here are the three major jobs I'm interested in:

1) The Philadelphia Museum of Art - they're hiring a Junior Graphic Designer (i.e. me!)

2) A local mortgage company - also hiring a GD plus I've been shluggin away at another mortgage company for the past 3 years doing GD... I *should* be a shoe-in.

3) A smaller sized printing co. is hiring one of me, too. The only thing with this is that I'd have to know Quark which I don't because I don't know anyone who has it. But I'm a friggin' fast learner, straight up. (Yo)

But the other day I was pontificating and otherwise yammering on to Jen about how my most rewarding job ever was working at a daycare. I mean, I really love kids and I don't have any of my own and I don't even know anyone here that has them. I told her I would consider doing this again but the pay was so lousy. She said that up here they pay pretty good... which is like $10 to $12 an hour. It's LESS than I get now of course, but then playing with kids (okay supervising) doesn't seem like much work, if I remember correctly. When I did it before, I got a whopping $5.50 an hour - that was in 1993. But anyway, I'm not sure I'm really considering that again... my Mom says I really shouldn't. She's paranoid. She thinks that if anything scandalous happened to any of the kids where I'd work, it could be a mess. I wouldn't work at a place that gave me the impression that someone there was evil, though...

But I dunno. I want the phone to ring and the lady at the museum to tell me how moving my cover letter was and how they need me so...


Matt is in the shower now. He's about to run across the street and get the good pizza. The good pizza and the mysterious 'garlic knots'...

Oh, I am way addicted to CinniStix from Domino's... heaven in dough form.

Sela's been being the cutest ever today. I gave her a handful of her fat-cat Iams today and she did not come running. I suspected she might be found henned up on my electric blanket, but when I went into our room, there was no nesting kitten to be found.

I said "any little kitties around?" and I said it again. One more time and the down comforter wiggled. I called for Matt. He came in and I told him to ask if there were any little kitties around. When he did, she unburrowed herself from the cavern of comfort she'd surrounded herself with. I mean COMPLETELY covered herself in - like it was a womb, a bomb-shelter, a secret hiding place for her to disappear. We laughed and laughed and kissed her furred up head. She's so funny how she can make herself into a ball with any available blanket.

Lately, too, she's been carrying her baby blanket from her bed to random spots throughout the apartment. At first I thought it was Matt moving it to make her more comfortable as she sat lounging by the TV, in the warm of the sun. Then one day I saw her; blanket nipped between her tiny teeth, walking it to a new spot. She's so smart.

3:18 p.m. - April 23, '02


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